We will be streaming world wide and rebroadcasting at multiple time zones:
8pm EST
8pm PST (11pm EST)
8pm CET/7pm GMT (20:00) Europe
8pm JST (20:00) Japan
This performance will be streamed completely live, one night only, and will premier many new arrangements from our upcoming third album “Backwards Compatible” which will be released on January 8th 2021!
ALL COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS WILL BE TAKEN! All musicians have been required to take rapid COVID tests no more than 48 hours before the show, and are required to wear masks whenever possible. The venue will not exceed the CDC’s guidelines of 50 persons as per the Phase 3 NYC requirements. Ventilation has been updated with the latest filtration systems in order to continuously clean the air, and frequent breaks are taken in order to ventilate the room with large fans.